SI joint pain during pregnancy

How To Manage SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can lead to many physical and emotional changes that can be difficult to manage. Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is one of the most common and painful conditions that can occur during pregnancy.

After experiencing SI joint pain during my three pregnancies, I became fully aware of how difficult it was to treat. In this guide, we will discuss what SI joint pain is, its symptoms, causes, and different ways that you can manage and prevent it during pregnancy.

What is SI joint pain during pregnancy?

SI joint pain, also known as sacroiliac joint dysfunction, is a common symptom during pregnancy. The sacroiliac joint is located in the lower back and is located where the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone in the lower spine, and the ilium, the top part of the pelvis, meet. During pregnancy, the SI joint is more likely to become unstable due to the increased hormones and weight gain.

When does SI joint pain start in pregnancy?

SI joint pain can start anytime before, during or after pregnancy. Anyone can be affected by SI joint pain, even if you’re in good health before your pregnancy. I was completely surprised to have sacroiliac joint pain start in the first trimester during my first pregnancy. I didn’t think it could start that early since it was before I was even showing. But, since the hormones changes right away, it makes sense!

Symptoms of SI joint pain during pregnancy

The most common symptom of SI joint pain during pregnancy is pain in the lower back and buttocks area. This pain may be sharp and stabbing or a dull ache. It may also be worse when standing, walking, or sitting for long periods of time. Other common symptoms include hip pain, groin pain, and pain that radiates down the legs. It’s important to note that SI joint pain can resemble classic signs of Sciatica during pregnancy.

Causes of SI joint pain during pregnancy

There are a few different causes of SI joint pain during pregnancy. One of the most common causes is the increased hormones during pregnancy. These hormones can cause the ligaments that support the SI joint to become lax, leading to instability and pain. Weight gain is also a common cause of SI joint pain, as the extra weight puts additional stress on the joints. Finally, poor posture can also lead to SI joint pain, as it causes the muscles around the joints to become tight and strained.

SI joint pain during pregnancy

Diagnosing SI joint pain during pregnancy

If you are experiencing SI joint pain during pregnancy, it is important to get help right when it starts. Because it most likely will worsen throughout pregnancy if it is ignored. Your doctor will probably ask you questions about your symptoms and examine your lower back and hips. In some cases, they may order imaging tests, such as an MRI, to get a better look at the joint. However, it is unlikely since they try to minimize imaging while pregnant unless it’s an emergency situation.

Treating SI joint pain during pregnancy

The first step in treating SI joint pain during pregnancy is to rest and avoid aggravating activities that cause pain and inflammation. Your provider may also recommend over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen, to help relieve severe pain. It’s important to talk to your doctor about anything that you’re unsure of, as some medications aren’t safe to take during pregnancy.

Ways to manage and prevent SI joint pain during pregnancy

In addition to rest and medication, there are other ways to manage and find sacroiliac joint pain pregnancy relief. For starters, there are many pregnancy pillows for back pain to choose from which can keep you more comfortable when sleeping or resting. Also, it’s important to find a pair (or two) of supportive shoes for pregnancy to help keep your body balanced. Lastly, One of my favorite ways to ease joint pain is by taking an Epsom salt bath. It’s also a great way to get added magnesium if you’re experiencing leg cramps too! You will feel so relaxed!

Stretching and strengthening exercises can help to support the SI joint and relieve pain. Additionally, good posture and regular breaks from sitting can help to reduce the stress on the SI joint.

Exercises for SI joint pain during pregnancy

As shown in the video at the beginning of this article, there are several exercises that can help to relieve and prevent SI joint pain during pregnancy. Pelvic tilts and bridges are two simple exercises that can help to strengthen the muscles around the SI joint.

To perform a pelvic tilt, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly tilt your pelvis up and then release.

To do a bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly lift your hips off the floor, keeping your shoulders and neck on the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower your hips back down.

Alternative treatments for SI joint pain during pregnancy

In addition to SI joint pain pregnancy exercises, there are several alternative treatments that can help to relieve pain. Massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic adjustments can all help to relieve pain and improve mobility in the SI joint.

I experienced debilitating SI joint pain during my pregnancies and regularly saw a massage therapist, acupuncturist and a chiropractor. Let me tell you… it is a complete game changer to use these holistic treatments! And you don’t have to use all three either. Just using one will help immensely!

Expert advice for managing SI joint pain during pregnancy

As a chiropractor and acupuncturist, I’ve managed seeing many patients with SI joint pain during pregnancy. And, as I said earlier, I personally experienced it myself with all three of my pregnancies (lucky me!)

Here are some expert tips to follow from my experiences both professionally and personally:

  1. Stay active. Gentle exercise such as walking or swimming can help to relieve pain and support the SI joint.
  2. Practice good posture. Make sure to keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
  3. Wear supportive shoes. Wearing shoes with good arch support can help to reduce the stress on the SI joint.
  4. Use heat and cold therapy. Heat and cold therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the SI joint. The best way to use this therapy is to use ice first for 20 minutes, then heat for 10 and end with ice for another 20 minutes. (If you have the time!) This way it acts as a physiological pump to bring new blood in and flush old blood out which is more helpful for healing.
  5. ***Try a pregnancy support belt. Wearing a pregnancy support belt can help to reduce the stress on the SI joint. I wore one almost constantly throughout all of my pregnancies and it made a huge difference in pain.


SI joint pain during pregnancy is a common and painful condition. While it can be difficult to manage, there are several treatments and exercises that can help to alleviate pain and prevent further injury.

If you’re experiencing SI joint pain during pregnancy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for help. With the right care and treatment, you can manage your pain and have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy.

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