How to Find the Best Office Chair Cushion for Buttock Pain

How to Find the Best Office Chair Cushion for Buttock Pain

Sitting for long hours in an uncomfortable office chair can take a toll on your body, especially your buttocks. Many people experience discomfort and even pain in their buttocks after prolonged periods of sitting. This is where finding the best office chair cushion for buttock pain can make all the difference. A good cushion not…

Piriformis Syndrome vs Sciatica: Which One is Affecting You?
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Piriformis Syndrome vs Sciatica: Which One is Affecting You?

As a chiropractor, I’ve come across many patients who’ve complained of pain in their buttocks or lower back. More often than not, the pain is caused by either piriformis syndrome or sciatica. These two conditions may have similar symptoms, but they are, in fact, quite different. In this article, I will take you through the…